Danube Box Versions

One river, many partners

Everything is flowing, when the right partners come together. For the Danube Box this was successful.

The Danube Box has been developed within the framework of the "Green Danube Partnership" between The Coca-Cola Company, Coca-Cola Hellenic and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). In national workshops taking place in several Danube countries, problems and needs of the countries were discussed and collected, and it was decided to produce a prototype of a transboundary educational kit taking into account the needs for awareness raising materials. This prototype has been designed and produced by an Austrian expert team, always in close cooperation with the ICPDR and with the support of experts from the Danube countries.

Cooperation in national teams

In at least five Danube countries the implementation of the Danube Box is under way: the kit has been translated, is in production and will be promoted in various projects and activities in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. All this is happening in close cooperation with the respective ministries for environment and water or water management and the ministries for education, pedagogical institutes and school authorities. Production and implementation are supported by national NGOs and are supported by The Coca-Cola Company and the national Coca-Cola Hellenic branches, such as Coca-Cola Austria, Coca-Cola Germany, Coca-Cola Hungary, Coca-Cola Romania and Coca-Cola Serbia & Montenegro.